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The fundamental meaning of lubricants


The fundamental meaning of lubricants:

Lubricating oil and grease are generally referred to as "lubricants". The so-called lubricant is, in a nutshell, a function that reduces the collision between two objects due to contact between two objects in relative motion.

Lubricating oil is a technology-intensive commodity, a mixture of messy hydrocarbons, and its real function is the inductive effect of a messy process of physical or chemical changes. The basic functions of lubricating oil include general physical and chemical functions, special physical and chemical functions, and simulation bench experiments.

Lubricant function

Each type of lubricating grease has its usual physical and chemical functions to indicate the intrinsic quality of the product.

(1) [lubricating oil]: oil used as a lubricant (such as petroleum distillate or fat)

(2) [lubricant]: oily liquid applied on the bearings of the machine or some parts of the human body, etc. It has the effects of reducing conflicts, avoiding heat generation, avoiding machine wear, and medical applications. It is usually a product of fractionated petroleum and is also refined from animal and vegetable oils. Includes "grease". Oily lubricants that are not easily evaporated.

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